August 2017 - Info Expeditor


Pacific Coast Council of Customs Brokers & Freight Forwarders Assns., Inc. (PCC)
Trump!  eCommerce!  Amazon! Carrier Alliances! New CBP Commissioner!
Never have customs brokers and freight forwarders been under fire like today.
Never has WESCCON been more timely and essential.
Meet the new leaders of federal agencies that you must deal with; hear how NVOCC's, forwarders, customs brokers are dealing with:
  •         eCommerce giants,
  •         'deminimus' exemptions from import scrutiny,
  •         NAFTA uncertainties
  •         broker bonds,
  •         NVO licensing,
  •         ocean carrier bankruptcy,
  •         congestion/delay/rerouting of imports and exports due to Alliances
  •         carrier mergers,
  •         Updates on trade negotiations,
  •         CBP enforcement,
  •         and much more!  
Plus legendary networking - most fun in the industry, by far!
We will sell out again, Palm Springs Rancho Las Palmas, October 12 - 15, 2017. It's not too early to register.

Click here to Register and Hotel 
WESCCON 2017 will be on October 12-15 and registration is now open!  You can check out the latest information -- including program details -- and register online by visiting the WESCCON website!

Register for your Hotel NOW! 
This year's host hotel is the Rancho Las Palmas in Rancho Mirage, CA. WESCCON is pleased to offer a discounted rate of $199/night. You must be registered for WESCCON to receive this special rateClick here to register for WESCCON 2017, so you can book your hotel room as soon as possible.  

WESCCON 2017 Sponsors  
WESCCON 2017 is still accepting sponsors. Contact Kathy Beaubien (404-697-5056) for more information.

WESCCON Exhibitors 
Booth space is filling up FAST. Contact Stephen Hudson or Abigail Struxness (202-783-3333) to find out more and receive your registration code.   

Stay tuned for more important information regarding WESCCON 2017.
See you in Rancho Mirage!
WESCCON Committee

If you have questions about WESCCON or any registration problems, please contact, or call 202-783-3333.  

WESCCON is the premier event for Customs Brokers, Freight Forwarders and NVOCC's.  The three day conference registration fee includes all meals and entertainment from the moment you arrive on Thursday until you depart on Sunday.  WESCCON is simply the best education offered at the best price in the industry.  

CSMS# 17-000522 - Local Closure Day for August 30-September 1, 2017 for Ports 2101, 5301, 5309, 5310, 5311

Automated Broker Interface

Commercial trade operations at the Ports of 2101 (Port Arthur), 5301 (Houston Seaport), 5309 (Houston Airport), 5310 (Galveston), and 5311 (Freeport, TX) are temporarily suspended for the following dates Wednesday, August 30, 2017 through Friday, September 1, 2017, due to Tropical Storm Harvey.

On August 30, 2017 through September 1, 2017, a local closure day is granted to all who file entries at the Ports of 2101 (Port Arthur), 5301 (Houston Seaport), 5309 (Houston Airport), 5310 (Galveston), and 5311 (Freeport, TX). CBP is extending an additional day, without penalty, for any entry summaries and payment of duties that will be due on August 30, 2017-September 1, 2017 in the Ports of 2101 (Port Arthur), 5301 (Houston Seaport), 5309 (Houston Airport), 5310 (Galveston), and 5311 (Freeport, TX).


CSMS# 17-000525 - Updated ACE Deployment Schedule Available

Automated Broker Interface

U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) has posted an updated version of the Automated Commercial Environment (ACE) Deployment Schedule. The ACE Deployment Schedule provides details on when upcoming capabilities will be deployed in ACE, and includes a list of changes made since the last update.

To access the updated the ACE Development and Deployment Schedule, please visit the “ACE and Automated Systems” page at and scroll down to the “Publications” section or you may visit:

September Education Event

September Education Event

Broker Survey & Audits Registration (No Account Log-In Required)
 Broker Surveys and Audits – How to be Prepared 
Presented by
Richard Wortman, Partner
Grunfeld, Desiderio, Lebowitz, Silverman & Klestadt LLP (GDLSK)
CBP HQ is aligning the local Broker Management offices into the CEEs (Centers).  Additionally, CBP is working to perform “surveys” of brokers. Surveys often lead to audits. It is helpful to be prepared in advance.
Mr. Wortman will speak about such topics as: 
  • Powers of Attorney
  • Non-Resident Importers of Record
  • Reliance on Information from your client
  • Actions you should do for your client and actions you should not do
  • Are you acting as an “expert” for your client under the Mod Act?
  • Where are your records stored?
  • Sharing information with non-licensed persons 
Importers are greatly welcomed at this event given that it important to understand what expectations to have with your brokers.  

Date:              Wednesday, September 27, 2017
Time:              8:30 am -12:00 am
(Arrive for check-in between 8:00 am to 8:30am)

Location: Park Pointe Hotel (formerly CitiGarden Hotel), 245 South Airport Blvd, South San Francisco, CA 94080
Fees:        $65/ Member – $80/ Non-member (Student rates available, see registration)

Program Instructor:
Richard Wortman,
Grunfeld, Desiderio, Lebowitz, Silverman & Klestadt LLP (GDLSK)
Richard Wortman manages the Los Angeles office. His practice is focused on import and export trade law, trade regulations and customs law, regulatory law and transportation law. He has represented clients before US Customs and Border Protection on a variety of issues including the classification and valuation of imported merchandise, focused assessments and averting penalties.
He also regularly appears before other government agencies with responsibilities over import and export transactions. Richard helps companies implement duty savings strategies and internal compliance programs. Richard has lectured extensively on issues pertaining to import and export law on behalf of various organizations. He has also taught import and export trade law to both industry and Customs brokerage associations.
Broker Survey & Audits Registration (No Account Log-In Required)

2017 Educational & Program Events

CBFANC Social Media

Please connect with us!

Twitter - @cbfanc

LinkedIn - CBFANC

Facebook - CBFANC

CSMS# 17-000521 - *UPDATE* Guidance to Trade on Cargo Processing during Hurricane Harvey

Trade Policy Updates

The following guidance is provided for entry and entry summary filing for cargo aboard ships that have been forced to divert due to Hurricane Harvey.

Scenario 1: At the of time the diversion, both the entry and summary have already been filed at the original port (e.g. Houston), nothing needs to be done with either the entry or summary.

Scenario 2: At the of time the diversion, a certified summary had already been filed at the original port (e.g. Houston), nothing needs to be done with the certified summary.

Scenario 3: At the of time the diversion, the entry had already been filed at the original port (e.g. Houston), but the summary had not been filed. In this case, it is recommended to file the summary using the same entry port as the entry was filed.

Scenario 4. At the of time the diversion, neither the entry or summary had been filed at the original port (e.g. Houston). In this scenario, both the entry and summary will be filed at the new (diverted) port.

We are advising that entry type 09, Reconciliation entries for the Houston port (5301) be held by trade until it reopens.

If Trade requires entry/entry summary cancellation/deletion please adhere to the entry deletion and cancellation policy and ACE Entry Summary business processing document.

CBP will only allow filers to delete entry data prior to cargo release processing. Once cargo release processing occurs and a provisional release notification is generated, the data is considered to be in CBP status and CBP will not delete the entry data. Deletion may only be performed on an entry (cargo selectivity information). An entry summary may not be deleted. All subsequent changes by trade must be processed via the entry or entry summary cancellation process.

It should be noted that there are many situations in which entry or entry summary cancellation is a legitimate and acceptable action, as long as the filer provides documentation to substantiate the request. The entry or entry summary cancellation process enables CBP to account for 21st century logistics and just-in-time inventory, as well as other government agency entry refusals.

The Office of Trade, Trade Policy and Programs intends to work with the impacted trade community during this time to mediate or resolve entry summary processing issues.

Related CSMS No. 17-000520, 17-000518

Import Trade Auxiliary Communication System (ITACS) Training Webinars

FDA is planning to release its new ITACS Account Management features on Monday, September 18, 2017. 

FDA will provide training via WebEx on Tuesday, September 5, 2017, Thursday, September 7, 2017 and Monday, September 11, 2017 to ensure that trade users are familiar with and understand the new ITACS Account Management features.
The webinars will include the following:
·        An overview of current ITACS functionality
·        Background and overview of the new ITACS Account Management functionality
·        Creating an ITACS Account
·        Retrieving Notices of FDA Action from ITACS
·        Managing your ITACS Account, Users and Groups
·        Where to find ITACS and ITACS Account Management resources
All webinar sessions will contain the same material.  You will only need to register for and attend one session. 
The dates, times, and WebEx registration links are provided below.
Tuesday September 5, 2017, 10:00 AM – 12:00 PM EST
To register for Tuesday’s session:
1. Go to
2. Enter your name and email address. 
3. You will receive a confirmation email with instructions for how to join the session.
Thursday, September 7, 2017 1:00 – 3:00 PM EST
To register for Thursday’s session:
1. Go to 
2. Enter your name and email address. 
3. You will receive a confirmation email with instructions for how to join the session.
Monday, September 11, 2017 11:00 AM – 1:00 PM EST
To register for Monday’s session:
1. Go to
2. Enter your name and email address. 
3. You will receive a confirmation email with instructions for how to join the session.
FDA has deployed the Import Trade Auxiliary Communication System (ITACS) for use by the import trade community. This system was implemented in order to improve communication between FDA and the import trade community. The presentations provide overviews of basic ITACS functionality and the new ITACS Account Management functionality, and a walkthrough of how to use both.

ITACS basic functionality provides the import trade community with four functions: the ability to check the status of FDA-regulated entries and lines, the ability to submit entry documentation electronically, the ability to electronically submit the location of goods availability for those lines targeted for FDA exam and the ability to check the estimated laboratory analysis completion dates for lines which have been sampled.
Benefits to the trade include the ability to receive more detailed entry statuses than what is currently transmitted to filers via Customs’ Automated Broker Interface (ABI) reducing the need for phone calls inquiring about the status of entries, and eliminating the need to email, mail or fax entry documentation and goods availability to FDA and no problems with lost documents.

ITACS Account Management functionality enables the electronic distribution of Notices of FDA Action via email and as downloads from within ITACS. It also allows account holders to view the details of specific information requests, which are currently delivered via hard copy Notices of FDA Action. ITACS Account Management functionality may be used by Filers, Importers of Record and Consignees with an approved ITACS account. To be granted an account a firm must have been a party to a previously transmitted FDA entry. ITACS accounts are limited to one individual per firm at the corporate level. This person should be a high ranking individual within the firm as they will have the responsibility to create and manage ITACS accounts for other users within their firm.

Benefits of ITACS accounts include faster receipt of Notices of FDA Action via email or download from within ITACS, no need to maintain paper copies of Notices of FDA Action as they will continue to be available in ITACS even after an entry is closed and faster receipt of requests for specific information by email or ITACS.

ITACS basic functionality may be accessed at
ITACS accounts can be requested via the FDA Unified Registration and Listing System (FURLS) at

ITACS Account Management Resources

Announcement: The Division of Import Operations has launched a new and revamped website. The site provides easy access to up to date and comprehensive information on most importation issues including personal importation and commodity specific requirements. There are answers to virtually all FDA import questions such as quick access to common entry errors, and there is contact information to reach real people locally and in headquarters. The Imports site is part of the overall FDA website, FDA.GOV. We encourage all to book mark the link:

Ocean Committee

Evey Hwang

In-Port News
PMA-ILWU contract extension:  On August 4, 2017, International Longshore Workers Union (ILWU) confirmed for all 29 West Coast ports (California, Oregon and Washington) to ratify the three-year contract extension with the Pacific Maritime Association (PMA).
“The rank-and-file membership has made their decision and expressed a clear choice,” said ILWU International President Robert McEllrath. “During the past year we saw a healthy debate and heard different points of view, with concerns raised by all sides. The democratic process allowed us to make a difficult decision and arrive at the best choice under the circumstances.”
Per their press release in below link, the current agreement was set to expire on July 1, 2019; the newly approved three-year pact will extend the expiration to July 1, 2022. The contract extension will raise wages, maintain health benefits, and increase pensions from 2019-2022.
Ocean Alliances:  On April 1, 2017, three ocean alliances effectively realigned 80% of ocean movements globally.   Ocean Alliance combined CMA CGM, COSCO, OOCL, APL, and APL, and Evergreen.   The Alliance consisting of NYK Group, MOL, K-Line, Hapag Llody and UASC, and Yang Ming. 2M grouping Maersk and Hamburg Sud (technically also under Maersk) and MSC, with HMM (Hyundai) sharing with the 2M group.   New schedules produced some major congestions at Shanghai and other ports.  Continue to monitor capacity restrictions, as alliances intended, will continue to affect rates and vessel scheduling.  
Trucking Challenges:  In June, Teamster sponsored drivers to picket XPO Logistics and couple other drayage companies in continue efforts to unionize drivers in LA/LB.  Though disruption minimized, it marks continued efforts towards employee mandates at major ports.   Independent owner-operators faces more difficulties as all major ports implements “green” and environmental measures.   Industry-wide, ELD – Electronic Logging Device – mandate by year end will drastically change drayage practices.   
Port infrastructure Improvements:  Highlights from recent Port meeting, both SSA (OICT) and Trapac are increasing capacity by early 2018 through raising cranes and, in Trapac’s case, finalizing Berths 24 and 25.  Progress on cool storage and rail updates can be found on recent Port of Oakland newsletter.  Maritime+Newsletter+-+August+2017.pdf
Port of Oakland CES Applications:  Per Port of San Francisco CBP Info Notice 728-17-11 dated July 13, 2017, SF Port CBP opened applications for Trade and ATCET CBP examination sites are due by September 11, 2017.  Upon acceptance, CBP will forward valid applications and welcome public comments.  CBFANC encourages membership and stakeholder input.   Comments may also be sent to
WESCCON 2017:   Register to join the premier conference October 12-15 at Rancho Las Palmas in Palm Springs.  Learn and stay informed with fellow Brokers and Forwarders.   WESCCON website!
Suggestions or comments to Ocean Committee welcomed at

Section 301 Investigation of China Launched; Companies Should Consider Options to Protect Interests

Courtesy: Sandler, Travis & Rosenberg Trade Report

The Office of the U.S. Trade Representative has initiated a Section 301 investigation of China’s acts, policies, and practices related to technology transfer, intellectual property, and innovation. While the practices to be examined in this investigation will be specific, any potential relief (e.g., additional tariffs or import restrictions) could be imposed on a broader basis. As a result, any company doing business with China should participate in this investigation to ensure that its interests are protected.

A public hearing will be held Oct. 10, written comments and requests to appear at the hearing are due by Sept. 28, and post-hearing rebuttal comments are due by Oct. 20. USTR’s determination on whether and what kind of action to take against China is due by Aug. 18, 2018.

In this investigation USTR will evaluate whether the acts, policies, and practices at issue are unreasonable or discriminatory and burden or restrict U.S. commerce. Unreasonable actions are those that, while not necessarily in violation of or inconsistent with the international legal rights of the U.S., are otherwise unfair and inequitable. To read article in its entirety click here.

CBFANC's Day at Golden Gate Fields Horse Races!


CBFANC would like to thank everyone that attended our day at the races!  

This event helped fund the
Fred Higdon Scholarship to WESCCON!  

This couldn't have been accomplished without our wonderful sponsors and members.  

Thank you again!

Day of the Races Pictures

Thoughts and Prayers to Those Affected by Hurricane Harvey

CBFANC would like to send our thoughts and prayers to all that have suffered due to Hurricane Harvey.  

If you are interested in donating to help those in need here are two organizations that are accepting online donations:

CBFANC Newsletter - August 2017 - Info Expeditor